What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a quick way to achieve a relaxed and focused state of consciousness, similar to that experienced during meditation. This focus, or altered state of awareness, and deep relaxation is not only good for the mind but there are several ways it can be used to help improve your quality of life. These include:
Improving Visualisation
While relaxing, you are better able to visualise your goals. Success in career, relationships and sport are greatly enhanced when you are clear about what you want. Hypnosis is a very effective way to become more in touch and focused on your goals and to strengthen how you use positive imagery to gain confidence and control. Hypnosis helps you focus on creating the life you desire.
Increasing Suggestibility
The relaxed state of consciousness experienced during
hypnotherapy is often associated with an increased level of suggestibility. Clinical hypnotherapists can use suggestion to provoke increased feelings of empowerment and control in situations which usually cause anxiety and to help you change habitual behaviours you may have been unable to change on your own. These behaviours could include smoking, eating junk food, blushing, lethargy and nail biting.Positive suggestion can also be used to overcome many common fears such as flying, public speaking, exams, injections, spiders and even socialising. Sporting performance can also be improved using suggestion, especially with games that require concentration and focus such as golf.
Identifying Limiting Beliefs
Positive approaches such as visualisation and suggestion are very helpful for self-improvement. However, the most fundamental changes in life occur when you identify and modify a limiting thought or belief. If you look deeply and clearly at the root of a personal problem, you will nearly always find a limiting belief. For example, people will often put up with second best in career or relationships because at a deep subconscious level, they believe that’s all they deserve.Talking about personal issues can be helpful but does not always lead to a solution. Deeper insights can be gained using altered states of consciousness achieved during
hypnotherapy. While deeply relaxed and focusing on a particular issue, a client may more easily find a lateral solution or a new insight to an old and persistent problem. Hypnosis can provide a quick and cost effective way to resolve issues and get on with living a full, abundant and harmonious life.
Can Hypnotherapy Help Me?
Sometimes life can be very challenging but there is nothing that says you have to manage it all on your own. If your life is affected by any of the following issues, then hypnosis can help you:
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Relationship issues
- Cigarette, alcohol and drug addiction
- Gambling addiction
- Fear of flying, spiders, needles, heights, public speaking
- Low self confidence
- Sexual problems
- Sleeping disorders
- Weight loss
- Adolescent problems
Still unsure about hypnosis?
Over the past few decades, thousands of medical and psychological research articles have proven the effectiveness of hypnosis in dealing with a wide variety of issues. Hypnosis is well respected by medical doctors, psychiatrists, dentists, psychotherapists and psychologists. Many of these professions use forms of hypnosis in their treatments. Surgeons have even used hypnosis as the sole form of anesthesia during deep abdominal surgery such as cesarean sections. Most people can significantly improve their lives with
hypnosis. How many successful athletes do you know who don’t have a coach? A good hypnotherapist is a life coach who helps keep you on track, overcome obstacles and improve on your strengths using positive imagery and positive suggestions.Have a look at some of the resources and research available about hypnosis
hereIf you still have questions or want to discuss more about hypnosis with us before booking, please call the clinic on 03 9853 3221 to book a 15min free phone call or introductory chat.